When you own a retail store protecting your products from theft can be challenging. While you can tell your employees to keep an eye out for any mischief, this will undoubtedly help but not be enough to stop shoplifting. Electronic article surveillance, also known as EAS, is the most effective way of securing merchandise. Each product will be fitted with sensor tags that communicate with an instore antenna usually found at the store's exit, sounding an alarm when not deactivated.
The two most common technologies used are RF and AM sensor tag systems when it comes to EAS. You may be thinking, "How do I know which is best to use for my store?" Browse the following sections to learn the difference between AM sensor tags and RF sensor tags to help better make your decision. Sensor tags are essential for protecting your products from theft, so picking the best one for your store is crucial.
As mentioned earlier, both systems involve communication between an antenna and sensor tags. The main difference between RF and AM is the systems' frequency. A radio frequency (RF) sensor tag system can be 2.0, 4.6, 8.2 or 9.5 MHz but most commonly operates at 8.2 MHZ, while an Acousto Magnetic (AM) sensor tag system operates at 58KHz.
Supermarkets, discount stores, and pharmacies usually use RF sensor tag systems because these retailers have a high volume of packaged products.
The use of RF systems are generally recommended for single aisle (36”) or dual aisle (72”) entrances as each system (tower, pedestal, antenna) covers 3’;
You will often see RF systems in stores that do not have a lot of metal merchandise like bikes, hardware, tools, etc.
Most retailers choose RF sensor tags because they are more budget-friendly. The prices can range from very low cost to high cost for advanced RF systems, so you have more flexibility in deciding a price point. RF sensor tags are available as flat paper labels. They can come in a wide variety of shapes, sizes, and presentations, making them easy to use for a high volume of packaged products.
While RF sensor tags have many advantages, the most significant disadvantage is that they are more sensitive to electronic interference and have a limited detection range. They also cannot be reused once the circuit is broken.
AM sensor tag systems are typically found in department stores, clothing outlets, electronics shops, and hardware stores. Products at these locations have a metallic component that a magnet can easily attach to.
One of the biggest benefits of AM senor tags is that they are magnetic, so you can reuse them after deactivation. They are also less susceptible to electronic interference, so you do not have to worry about placing the sensor in a specific spot. Another plus is unlike RF sensor tags; they have a larger detection area so antennas can be positioned farther apart, being placed inside door frames, under floors, etc.
AM sensor tags are typically more expensive than RF sensor tags and cannot be bent around the merchandise or easily printed on like RF. If you are a retailer with a high turnover of goods, these would not be the best sensor tags for your store.
At Loss Prevention Distributors, we understand that shoplifting is one of the most serious concerns the retail industry faces. That's why we are happy to provide you with anti-theft sensors. When deciding between RF and AM sensor tag systems, it depends on the type of products you stock, your budget, and store entry. Our knowledgeable representatives are happy to answer any of your questions and help you decide what sensor tags would be best for you and your store. Give us a call today for more information! We can't wait to help protect your merchandise from theft!
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Saturday: By appointment
Sunday: Closed