If you have ever spent time in a large retailer, you have seen electronic security tags. Anything can be tagged, including beauty products, clothing, alcohol, electronics, media, and more. Electronic sensor tags are designed to track when a product has passed a barrier. They can be placed inside or outside a product’s packaging; then, when a potential shoplifter steals an item and passes through the security barrier, the item’s security tag will set off an alarm and alert you. Security sensor tags can easily be removed when a customer purchases an item, then reused for other products. This makes them simple and effective tools against shoplifting.
Security tags can boost your profits in many ways.
Anti-shoplifting sensor tags are easy to purchase in bulk for a low price, and businesses who use them report notable drops in shoplifting rates. When compared to the amount of profit many retailers lose due to shoplifting, purchasing sensor tags is a much more lucrative investment. They can be attached and detached quickly, requiring minimal time or manpower to install them to your products before putting them on the floor.
Most security sensor tags are designed to attach and detach quickly - but only if you have the proper tool. You can easily train your staff to install and remove these tags so that customers don’t have to wait any extra time. There are many different types of anti-theft sensor available on the market; you can choose the one that makes the most sense for your product(s) and make the process as simple and efficient as possible.
Security sensor tags are extremely strong and durable. They cannot be removed from your merchandise without using a designated deactivation tool. Once you install a tag, you can trust that it will remain there until you remove it. They are also extremely dependable in their operation. The anti-theft barriers you install at your entrances and exits emit a constant signal that searches for security tags; if an item with a tag passes through, the alarm will always be set off. Furthermore, the tags will only trigger the alarm if they pass through the barrier, so you won’t have to deal with frequent accidental interruptions.
Your job as a business owner is already busy enough. Installing security tags on your merchandise allows you and your staff to concentrate on other tasks because any attempt at theft will be detected. Law-abiding customers will feel reassured that they are shopping in a safe, legitimate environment, making them more likely to return and recommend your business to their friends.
At Loss Prevention Distributors, we carry an impressive selection of anti-shoplifting sensors and security sensor tags that can be used for all kinds of purposes. Whether you are looking for a label, a clothing security tag, or any other type of anti-theft sensors, our collection is always expanding to meet our clients’ needs. If you are looking to maximize your profits and drastically reduce the amount of inventory you lose to shoplifting, our selection is the best place to start. Reach out to our office today to learn more about our retail anti-theft devices and how they can help you!
Monday - Friday: 9am - 5pm
Saturday: By appointment
Sunday: Closed